Floods and low-water level [ LAUCE2155 ]
2.0 crédits ECTS
20.0 h
Teacher(s) |
Soares Frazao Sandra ;
Zech Yves ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Main themes |
Forecasting of high and low water levels : empirical methods, statistical methods. Discharge regu-lation : reservoir management (damping of peaks and flood routing, simulation of operations, res-ervoir sedimentation) ; mitigation of floods induced by dam releases. Flood protection : floodplain management. Flood propagation ; flood modelling.
Aims |
Introduce engineers and hydrologists to the issues associated with high and low water levels : fore-casting, regulation and mitigation, training works
Content |
- Introduction to flood-related issues :
* Causes for flooding
* Worsening factors
* Flood risk management
- Forecasting of high and low water levels :
* Empirical methods : method based on time series, catchment-based methods
* Statistical methods : reminders
* Determination of flood discharges based on extreme rainfall data : 'Gradex' method
- Discharge regulation :
* Reservoir management : Damping of peaks and flood routing, Simulation of exploitation : Cumulative discharge curve, stochastic modelling (lognormal model, seasonal autoregression model of Fiering), Reservoir sedimentation : critical silting discharge, evolution of sediments charac-teristics, sedimentation modelling
* Mitigation of floods induced by hydropower
- Flood protection :
* Catchment management
* Embankments
* Floodplains management
- Flood propagation
* Flood routing (Muskingum method)
* Flood modelling (Flood cells method)
- Droughts and low water levels
* Framework : origin and worsening factors
* Prediction of low water levels
* Analysis of dry seasons and droughts
Other information |
- Complementary topic for theme "Environment" and optional topic for theme "Hydraulics"
- Prerequisites : AMCO 2151 "General and statistical hydrology ", and preferentially AMCO 2152 "Hydraulics" or equivalent
- Evaluation : oral examination
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Master [120] in Civil Engineering
Faculty or entity in charge |
> GC
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