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A Course of Advanced English [ LANGL1700 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h  

Teacher(s) Jackman Susan (coordinator) ; Moreman Jennifer (coordinator) ;
Language English
of the course
Aims Reading comprehension: - To be able to read with ease all sorts of texts in one -s professional field. Level C1 of the Common European Framework for Languages. Listening comprehension Individual: - To be able to understand lectures, tv and radio programs from one -s professional field. Interactive: - To be able to understand debates and interviews. Level C1 of the Common European Framework for Languages. Speaking skills Individual: - To be able to expess oneself on general topics and in one -s professional field. Interactive: - To be able effectively to take part in debates and discussions. Level C1 of the Common European Framework for Languages. Writing skills - To be able to write: summaries of articles or books; reports of meetings and lectures; a critical essay in one -s professional field; a CV and job application. Level C1 of the Common European Framework for Languages. Code: Acquisition of wide range of contemporary vocabulary and expressions from real sources.
Content - reading of a wide range of professional texts, - writing in the genres listed above, - presentations and general discussion / debate, - summary/critique of tv/radio programs.
Other information Prerequisites: Level B2 of the Common European Framework for Languages (European Council). Assessment: - Participation in the various course activities, - Written and oral exams. Course material: - Course notes, - Web site with Forums. References: Raymond Murphy English Grammar in Use (3rd edition) Cambridge, CUP, 2004 Training staff: - groups of 15 maximum, - Teacher is available during office hours and contactable by e-mail.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Agricultural Bioengineering
> Master [120] in Linguistics
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