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Méthodes et modèles en marketing [ MGEST2128 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Pecheux Claude (coordinator) ; Ducarroz Caroline ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes


This course covers rational approaches to decision-making in marketing.
The focus is on the methods and tools available for the collection and/or processing of data: qualitative methods versus quantitative methods; verbal and non-verbal methods; observation techniques and particularly experimentation; sampling issues; measurement issues. "Advanced" concepts, models and methods are also reviewed, in order to define, formulate, analyse and solve marketing problems.



On completion of this course, students should have a complete set of methods and tools for the collection and analysis of relevant primary and secondary data. 

Evaluation methods

Written examination

Teaching methods

' Lectures
' Problem-based learning
' Case studies


- CHURCHILL G., IACOBUCCI D. (2009), Marketing Research: Methodological
Foundations, 10th ed., South-Western.

- EVRARD Y., PRAS B., ROUX E., DESMET P. (2009), Market. Fondements et
méthodes des Recherches en Marketing, 4th ed., Dunod.

- KERLINGER F., LEE H. (1999), Foundations of Behavioral Research, 4th ed.,

Cycle et année
> Master 120 of arts in Business engineering
> Master [120] in Management
> Master 120 in Management
> Master [120] in Business Engineering
Faculty or entity
in charge

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