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Contrôle des performances [ MGEST2101 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Guerra Fabienne ; Provost Anne-Catherine ;
Language French
of the course

GEST2203 ' Strategic Marketing


Main themes

Part 1. Framework for the implementation of a performance monitoring system
- Systemic approach of the organisation.
- Study of the environment in which it operates.
- Highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation.
- Analysis of the key information systems for monitoring, overseeing decision-making, and how suited they are to strategic objectives.
Part II. The monitoring and measurement tool
- Definition of indicators, their development, their representation.
-The role played by non-financial indicators.
- Determination of target values and the role of benchmarks (efficient frontier method).
- Components of the balanced scorecard. Cause and effect & the strategy map.
- Monitoring the management tool.
- Multiple scorecards and the connections between their indicators.
- Scorecards in the context of sustainable development.  
- The contribution of ISO standards.


On completion of this course, students will be able:  

- to understand the importance of non-financial indicators when evaluating the performance of an organisation;

- to master a tool for managing and monitoring performance, such as a balanced scorecard.

Evaluation methods

- Continuous assessment
- Written examination 

Teaching methods

- Lectures
- Case study 


- KAPLAN R., NORTON D. (1996), The Balanced Scorecard, Translating Strategy into Action, HBS Press.
- KAPLAN R., NORTON D. (2004), The Strategy Map, Converting Intangible Assets into Tangible Outcomes, HBS Press.
- GUERRA F. (not yet released), Diagnostic des performances, Approche systémique par les tableaux de bord intégrés, De Boeck.
- KAY J. (1993), Foundations of Corporate Success, Oxford University Press.
- Reading list 

Cycle et année
> Master [60] in Management
> Master 120 in Management
Faculty or entity
in charge

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