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Banque et marchés [ MGEHD2209 ]

15.0 crédits ECTS  45.0 h  

Teacher(s) Platten Isabelle ;
Language French
of the course

GEHD2131 ' The Finance Market 

Main themes
  • Active management of equity portfolios.
  • Active management of bond portfolios.
  • Financial risk management (interest rates, equity, exchange, credit, etc.)
  • Management of financial institutions.

On completion of this course, students will be able:

  • to understand the functioning of domestic and international financial markets, the assets that are traded there and how to manage them within a portfolio.
  • to master market analysis techniques and risk management & hedging techniques.
  • to understand the functioning of financial institutions and risk-taking/risk hedging under current regulations.
Evaluation methods
  • Written examination
  • Individual work.
Teaching methods
  • Lectures
  • Exercises related to the course
  • Case studies.
  • BODIE Z., KANE A., MARCUS A.(2008), Investments, 7th ed., Mc Graw'Hill.
  • HULL J. (2007), Options, futures et autres actifs dérivés, 6th ed., Pearson.
  • HULLJ. (2007), Risk Management and Financial Institutions, Pearson.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Management (shift schedule)
> Master [120] in Management (shift schedule)
Faculty or entity
in charge

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