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Advanced Spanish 2 [ MESPA2237 ]

2.5 crédits ECTS  0 h + 30.0 h   1+2q 

Teacher(s) Ballez Michèle ;
Language Spanish
of the course

To have achieved level B1+ of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. 

Main themes

' In a multilingual and multicultural perspective, and based on documents taken from the foreign language media, public addresses, speaking and notes from meetings (with drafting of the minutes), chairing of debates and meetings, telephone conversations, job searches, use of networks of contacts'
' Simulations in small groups of workplace situations. 


On completion of this course, students will be able to communicate easily and clearly in a professional international context taking intercultural dimensions into account. Students will achieve level B2+ of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. 

Evaluation methods

Continuous assessment 

Teaching methods

Group seminars 


Spanish language media  

Cycle et année
> Master 120 in Management
> Master 120 in Public Administration
> Master [120] in Information and Communication
> Master [120] in Political Sciences: General
> Master [120] in Business Engineering
Faculty or entity
in charge

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