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Integrated seminars [ LVETE1300A ]

2.0 crédits ECTS  25.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Rezsohazy René ; Schneider Yves-Jacques ; Moens André ; Wesselingh Renate ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes The students are requested to choose a topic related to one of the subject matters that have already been taught in the course of their curriculum. The subject has to be approved by the academic or scientific staff member, who has agreed to be the student's promoter. The promoter's role is to provide all the help that he or she deems necessary to deal with the scientific and technical aspects of an oral presentation. The language teacher will help them with the target language aspects. For the students in veterinary medicine, a 4 hours course will be given about the tools and methods of bibliographic searches (databases, search by keywords, relevance of the retrieved information, …). The oral presentation is open to the public and exclusively given in the English language (texts, graphs, comments). The questions have to be answered in English, as well. The time allocated for each talk is strictly limited to 20 minutes total.
Aims This course aims at briefing the students on the requirements of a scientific talk in English. This activity is not only meant to train them to apply the concepts of rigor, accuracy and conciseness that are required in collecting and criticizing scientific data, it is also intended to get them used to technical as well as linguistic aspects, such as computer-assisted presentation skills, time management,… while making a talk in the scientific world's main language.
Other information Precursory courses / Supplemental courses ANG1863 Evaluation Scientific talk: content, quality of the presentation, answers to questions. Language skills are marked but are taken into account for the ANG1863 final mark, not for that of VETE1300. Support / Teaching team Promoter to be chosen according to the scientific topic. Language teacher. Miscellaneous /
Cycle et année
> Bachelor in Biology
Faculty or entity
in charge

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