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Physiologie digestive [ LVET1374A ]

crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Larondelle Yvan ; Debier Cathy ;
Language French
of the course

Courses of biology, biochemistry and physiology

Main themes

The 'digestive physiology' section covers the following topics: - Functional anatomy and morphology of mammals (domestic and wild monogastric and polygastric mammals) and birds - Digestive functions - Roles of glands - Glandular and microbial digestion - Absorption ' Digestive tract motility (including forestomachs) - Feeding Behavior.


The 'nutrition' section covers the following topics: - Concepts of feed, nutrient and needs - Major feed groups ' Different groups of nutrients, metabolic utilization, physiological importance and quantification ' Comparative feed requirements among domestic animals - Energy and nitrogen requirements in animal production and the units used to express them - Some metabolic disorders associated with nutrition in domestic animals - The principles of rationing.



After this course, students will have acquired skills in digestive physiology and nutrition of domestic animals, in order to address future courses related to diseases of the digestive system and their metabolic consequences, as well as feeding strategies for animal performance, health and quality of livestock.


Evaluation methods

Oral or written exams

Teaching methods

Courses with slides (PowerPoint documents are available in advance via I-campus).


Exercises concerning rationing (démonstrations).

'Digestion section' (30 hours) - The course is divided into different sections: oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, forestomachs, pancreas, liver, small intestine, large intestine.

' Functional anatomy and morphology of mammals (domestic and wild monogastric and polygastric mammals) and birds -

' Digestive functions and digestive glands: overview of secretion, motility, absorption,...

' Microbial digestion and motility in the forestomachs and large intestine.

' Perinatal digestive physiology.

' Feeding behavior and regulation of ingestion.


'Nutrition section' (30 hours + 4 hrs of exercises). The lecture is divided into eight chapters:

1. Feed presentation: constituents (nutrients and non nutrients) and their quantification (presentation of the chemical methods used) - main sources of energy, fat, nitrogen, fibers,...

2. Digestibility and experimental approaches for its determination

3. Metabolic utilization of glucidic nutrients

4. Metabolic utilization of lipidic nutrients

5. Metabolic utilization of dietary nitrogen

6. Concepts of bioenergetics

In Chapters 5 and 6: introduction to the concepts of feed requirements of farm animals and the units used for their expression

7. Vitamins, minerals and water

8. Some nutritional metabolic disorders in ruminants.

Exercises concern the principles of rationing through the example of dairy cow

Reference books :

« Introduction à la nutrition des animaux domestiques »

Claude Jean-Blain

Editions Tec&Doc, 2002 (ISBN : 2-7430-0530-0)

« Animal nutrition »

P. McDonald, R.A. Edwards, J.F.D. Greenhalgh, C.A. Morgan

Sixth edition, 2002

Longman Scientific & Technical, (ISBN : 978-0-582-41906-3)


« Textbook of veterinary physiology » Cunningham JG, 2002, 3rd edition (ISBN 0-7216-8994-9)


« Fundamentals of anatomy & physiology », F Martini, 7th editionPearson Benjamin Cummings, (ISBN 0-321-31198-1)


« Principes d'anatomie et de physiologie », Tortora & Derrickson, 2007, 4th edition (ISBN 978-2-8041-5379-3)


« Digestive disease in the dog and cat » Simpson & Else, Blackwell Scientific Publication, 1991, (ISBN 0-632-02931-5)


« Comparative physiology of the vertebrate digestive system » Stevens & Hume, 2nd edition, 1995, (ISBN 0-521-444187)


« Nutrition clinique des animaux de compagnie », Hand, Thatcher, Remillard, Roudebush, 4th edition, Mark Morris Institute, (ISBN 0-945837-05-4)


+ scientific articles


Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Agricultural Bioengineering
Faculty or entity
in charge

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