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Project of architecture I [ LTARC1101 ]

23.0 crédits ECTS  240.0 h   1+2q 

Teacher(s) Verbeke Pascale ; Croegaert Anne ; Miner Franck ; Fache Dimitri ; Camus Olivier ; Surroca Damien ; Mory Agnes ; Gochet Bernard ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes

In the project class, students acquire competencies when faced with the complexities inherent in the following themes :

  • Scales : From inhabited space to territory
  • Contexts : Built and unbuilt, cultural and historical
  • Types and Typologies
  • Structures and Materialities of space

The Project class functions in parallel with the questioning pursued in the class of Theory (ARCB/T).


The general purpose of a BS in architecture is to enable students to :
- READ (1)
- DEPLOY (3) architecture as they learn to understand and appreciate the fundamental and perennial values on which the discipline of architecture is based.

The specific way in which the 1st year Project class operates is by INITIATING students into :

  • The formulation of a critical reflection and awareness in the face of particular environments, usages and viewpoints
  • The constituent materials of the architectural projet : Shapes, light and gravity
  • The rational, economical and qualified use of space
  • The representation of existing and projected contexts through the discipline's own conventions

(1) To decipher, understand, discover the meaning of, to identify, ...
(2) To represent, to trace or follow, ...
(3) To join together, to combine, to order, ...

Evaluation methods

Assessment isindividual and continuous. It takes into account the result of each exercise, the ability to evolve and the engagement of the student.

Teaching methods

The pedagogy ofworkshop from initiation to design during the first year aims to explore fundamental aspects of understanding and designing space.
The two terms are sequenced through a range of initiation exercises and closed by a synthesis project.
The workshop covers different fields of design - observation, context, functionality, spatiality, structure - through the project, the relationship of the individual to the space, the social dimension and the collective scope of architecture.
These different notionsare discussed, repeated and put into perspective from one exercice to another.
Drawing, workshop booknote, model, work in series, presentation mark the daily work.
Several events complement the exercises: the week of architecture, the study trip and thematic presentations in the workshop ...

  • Des mots de rien du tout, Alvaro Siza. Publications de l'université de St Etienne
  • L'apprentissage du regard, leçons d'architecture de Dominique Spinetta, B. Donadieu.. Editions de la Villette
  • Histoire de l'architecture moderne, Peter Gossel. Editions Taschen
Cycle et année
> Bachelor in Architecture(Tournai)
Faculty or entity
in charge

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