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Sociology of Social Inequalities [ LSOC2050 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Burnay Nathalie ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes The main themes of the course will be the following : - Inequalities, transformation of capitalism and social policies : main political and historical issues. - Sociological theories, social stratification and inequalities : main theoretical questions - The state of social inequalities : synchronic and diachronic empirical approach - Factors and processes of production and reproduction of inequalities - Social inequalities and societies : macro-sociological approach - Social inequalities and social relations: social classes, gender relations, ethnic relations - Inequalities and individual trajectories
Aims The student will be trained to - locate the question of inequalities in relation to the sociological issues of social stratification and mobility - locate the socio-historical evolution of philosophical challenges and political responses to the question of so-cial inequalities - analyse, at a macro, meso and micro-social level, the factors and social processes generating the unequal dis-tribution of the main capitals (economic, cultural, social) at the level of individual actors as well as of collective entities; - acquire an empirical knowledge of the state of social inequalities at a global, national and regional level (European, Belgian and Walloon levels) and develop a critical knowledge of the main sources of (statistical or qualitative) empirical data
Content The course is based at a time on the teacher's oral presentation, on a multimedia support as well as on a guest's presentation on a thematic particular.
Other information The supports of course are double: a synthetic presentation of matter (power dawns) and a compilation of texts. These two supports are complementary and permit to surround the entièreté of matter. The exam will consist in the writing of a personal work of about ten pages in relation with the course.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Sociology
> Master [120] in Political Sciences: International Relations
> Master [120] in Anthropology
Faculty or entity
in charge

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