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Single case method and clinical biography [ LPSYM2231 ]

6.0 crédits ECTS  60.0 h   1q 

This biannual course is taught on years 2010-2011, 2012-2013, ...

Teacher(s) Vargas-Polack Maria-Graciela ; Heenen-Wolff Susann ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes Method of the single case Considerations on the epistemological, contextual and operational aspects of this method, so much within the framework of the clinical situation "on field" that of research in psychology are broached. Specific, limiting and forced contributions are examined on the basis of example drawn from the scientific literature and/or on the field (by the student), with exercises of critical analysis (individual and/or in small group) of data resulting from the application of this method within a framework of research. Biographical clinic and single case study The course is organized in two parts: a part "lecture" (15h) where the theoretical referents and initiation with methodologies are approached; part of active training (15h) during which the students are brought to practice the method within the framework of a chosen research issue.
Aims The course is divided into a more general part on the method known as the "single case" and its interest in the clinical research and a part, more specific, relating to the "biographical clinic". Method of the single case - To master the principles and the characteristics of the single case method - To evaluate the appropriateness and the relevance of the recourse to this method compared to the others used in clinical psychology - To reflect in a critical way on the contributions, constraints and limits of this method in clinical psychology research - To gather data by this method. Biographical clinic - To acquire the capacity to collect and analyze an account of life within the framework of an issue of clinical research: to master methods of collection and analysis of the accounts of life. - To master the general theoretical references useful for the analysis of life stories.
Content Method of the single case - Theoretical references of the psycho-dynamic approaches in clinical psychology. - Training of the constraints related to the practice of research according to the single case method study: researcher's position, implication and distance in the observations harvest, instrumentations and data processing, their analysis, interpretation and communication. - Relevance, contributions and limits of various typologies of the single case study: intrinsic case, instrumental case, multiple case, controlled case. - Construction of a research plan according to the single case method. Biographical private clinic The course is divided into two parts: A first part "lecture" is devoted to the theoretical (socio-analytical, psychoanalytical and phenomenological), epistemological and methodological referents useful in the biographical analysis, as well as the presentation of various practices using the method of life stories. A second part is devoted to the practical application of the theory: collection and analyze of the life stories according to an issue of research chosen by the student. For this second part, the students will be framed by the professor in sub-groups in order to allow a personalized follow-up.
Other information Single case: Interpretation of interviews or other data, making an adequate use of the conceptual referents and qualitative techniques of data processing. For the biogragraphic Clinical part: The evaluation is made on the basis of practical work made of a collection and an analysis of a life story, as well as an interrogation on the theory seen within the course. Support: work initiation for the biographical approach, various articles. File of texts on the qualitative method and the single case method in particular. Refrences: Michel Legrand, l'approche biographique, Desclée de Brouwer Training: by the teacher and an assistant, group meeting and a personalized follow-up Main clinical biography reference: - Legrand, M. (1993). L'Approche biographique. Paris, Desclée de Brouwer. Other references: - Delory-Momberger, ch. (2000). Les histoires de vie. De l'invention de soi au projet de formation. Paris, Anthropos. - Dosse, Fr. (2005). le pari biographique. Ecrire une vie. Paris, La Découverte. - Gaulejac, V. de (1999). L'histoire en héritage. Paris, Desclée de Brouwer. - Lainé, A. (1998). Faire de sa vie une histoire. Théories et pratiques de l'histoire de vie en formation. Paris, Desclée
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Psychology
> Master [120] in Education (shift schedule)
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