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Introduction to clinical psychology [ LPSP1267 ]

6.0 crédits ECTS  60.0 h + 10.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Pinon Nicolas ; Van Broeck Nady ; Heenen-Wolff Susann (coordinator) ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes - Historical development of clinical psychology: approaches, methods, theorization, study topics and fields for intervention ; - Epistemological position of clinical psychology in relation to other ways of thinking and practising both psychology and education and psychiatry - Issue of the scope of the discipline and requirements for scientificity - Presentation of the key reference paradigms : cognitive behaviourism, psychoanalysis and systemism
Aims To introduce students to the aims and methods of clinical psychology and to study its characteristic features both relating to other branches of psychology and other disciplines in human sciences. To introduce students to the major theories, models and concepts in clinical psychology and their implications for research and interventions.
Content There are four parts to the course. (1) a general introduction and an introduction to the three reference paradigms: (2) psychoanalysis (3) the systemic approach and (4) the cognitive behaviourist approach 1. General introduction : history of the relationships of Western man to insanity and mental illness. History of clinical psychology. Definitions of clinical psychology. Activities of the clinical psychologist. Epistemological position of clinical psychology. 2. Psychoanalysis : a) introduction to the Freudian unconscious in its imaginary and symbolic dimensions b) more detailed approach to concepts of fantasy and desire, and of the offshoots of the unconscious: dreams, symptoms, missed acts, transfers and life choices (in love and work). c) introduction to psychoanalytic treatments and to psychodynamic psychotherapies : respective outcomes, specific methods and evaluation of their effectiveness. 3. Systemic approach Aim To encourage students to think about man in relation to his environment. Firstly the man who does well in a dynamic environment, then the disorders experienced when there is a dysfunction in his surroundings. Content Introduction to the notion of "function " in systemic clinical psychology. Study of the main axioms underlying pragmatics in communication. Issue of paradoxes and of their impact on people's mental health. The double bind as a particular example of a pragmatic paradox. The issue of change is covered with reference to types I and II change, and also using the technique called "refocusing". Method Students are required to attend all 15 hours. The contents are divided into 12 chapters, each of which is covered by a small team of students. Their task is to understand the contents of the relevant chapter and find a way of demonstrating it so that the other students can quickly grasp the essential elements. Students' understanding of the material is enhanced by this active method. 4. Cognitive behaviourist approach To fully understand the definition, the historical development, the field of application and the main characteristics of empirical clinical psychology.
Cycle et année
> Preparatory year for Master in Family and Sexuality Studies
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