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Dissertation [ LFILO2008 ]

16.0 crédits ECTS   

Language French
of the course
Online resources




Main themes

The memoir will develop a hypothesis agreed to by a promotor (in 150,000 characters maximum, with spaces) in a precise, clear and documented way


In carrying out this end-of-the-certificate work, the student will prove his capacity for developing a well documented and argumented philosophical hypothesis under the direction of a faculty member.

In particulier, he shall manifest his aptitude
1) for developing a philosophical subject and dealing with it in an informed and coherent way
2) for appropriate use of research tools in satisfying scientific criteria in vigour
3) in formulating a hypothesis and composing the structured argumentation supporting it in a coherent, clear and structured manner.

Evaluation methods

Written work is assessed by the supervisor and two readers.

Students are required to respond to questions put to them by their supervisor and two readers at an oral defense.

Teaching methods






Other information


Cycle et année
> Certificat universitaire en philosophie (approfondissement)
Faculty or entity
in charge

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