Aims |
The tutorial classes complement the training offered in the philosophy lectures by focusing on the reading of philosophical texts, preparing assignments on philosophical topics, issues or writers and oral communication. First of all, they prepare students to produce a final Bachelor's paper and to play an active part in seminars on 3rd year texts. The skills they will acquire include documentary research in philosophy, making the best use of documentation in conformity with academic standards (quotations, references etc.) written and oral communication which displays appropriate and precise reading of texts and relevant use of the secondary literature for a critical commentary or a philosophical essay. These skills must be developed together, not in isolation. However, each series of the tutorial classes focuses more specifically on one of them.
In this third series, the emphasis in on written and oral commentary (no longer just analysis), though advanced reading of phiosophical texts. Good use of the secondary literature is required.
Bibliography |
-Spinoza, Ethique I, prop. 33: lecture commentée intégrée dans le contexte du livre I
- Leibniz, Discours de métaphysique, par. 2: lecture commentée intégrée à l'ensemble.
-Descartes, sur la création des vérités éternelles Mersenne, 15 avril 1630 (AT, I, 146) ; 27 mai 1630 (AT,I, 151-153) ; Meditationes Sextae Responsiones, n. 8, AT VII, 436 (trad. Descartes (Pléiade), p. 538) ; à Mersenne, 6 mai 1630, ATI, 149 ; 27 mai 1638, AT II, p. 138 ; Sextae Resp., AT VII, 432, 436. AT VIII-I, 13, 14 ; à Mesland 2 mai 1644, AT IV, p. ?; Resp. AT V, 160 (fr : Entretine avec Burman, Vrin 1975, p. 53) ; à Arnauld, 29 juillet 1648, AT V, 223 ; à Morus, 5 février 1649, AT V, 272 ; (Correspondance avec Arnauld et Morus, Vrin 1953, 117-119).
-Thomas d'Aquin : sur les raisons de la création (Prima Pars, q. 45, art. 1-2)
-Aristote, Physique. Livre I
-Kant, Premiers principes métaphysiques de la science de la nature. Préface.