The EU and international trade [ LEUSL2306 ]
5.0 crédits ECTS
30.0 h
Teacher(s) |
Gérard Marcel ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Main themes |
The course will consist in three parts. Part 1 aims at leveling the playing field, providing therefore a standard background in international trade theory, based upon the first eleven chapters of Krugman and Obstfeld textbook (2009). That part will allow to revise or discover theoretical foundations of international trade but also to discuss the pro and cons of free trade in today's globalized but unbalanced world, including of the WTO action, and to cope with issues like free trade and local specificities or the localization of polluting activities.
The second part will specifically cope with European Union issues and will be based on Pelkmans (2006) chapter 13. That part will be the occasion of policy debates.
Finally the third part will be devoted to special topics, including the influence of taxation and other economic factors on foreign direct investment; and international tax and system competition. Journals' articles and working papers will be provided to help examining those topics.
Aims |
The objective of the course is to provide the student with the theoretical, institutional and factual background for understanding the role and policy of the EU in a global economy, especially (i) the challenges and opportunities of international trade for the EU and its partners and (ii) the rational of its trade and tax policy and of the numerous agreements the EU has with third countries.
Evaluation methods |
Written or oral examination.
Content |
Beyond the content described above, which will be mainly presented by the professor, the course will call for active participation of the student through compulsory readings and the writing and presentation of a term paper. That paper will be in line both with the topics of the course and the personal background of the student.
Bibliography |
Krugman, P. and M. Obstfeld, 2009, International Economics, theory and policy, 8th edition, Addison Wesley; French translation: Economie Internationale, Pearson Education, 2009; Pelkmans, J., 2006, European Integration, Methods and Economic Analysis, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall.
Other information |
Prerequisite: an introductory course in economics. Support: textbook, professor's course notes and slides.
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Master [120] in European Studies
Faculty or entity in charge |
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