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Comparative analysis of regional integration processes (Europe, Asia, America) [ LEUSL2304 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   1q 

Language English
of the course

Providing a thorough knowledge of the evolution of regional integration processes across outside Europe. Mastering the comparison between these regional integration processes and the European experience. Putting the regional integration process in the historical and global context in order to attempt some prospective analysis. Assessing to what extent the European experience constitutes a useful benchmark for other regional integration process.

Main themes

The course outlines and compares the main regional integration processes around the world with a special emphasis on the East Asian (AFTA, ASEAN+3) and American integration processes (MERCOSUR, SAFTA, NAFTA, CAN, FTAA). The course provides analytical tools to assess the extent of the relevance of the European experience for the other regions of the world in developing their regional governance institutions.


Providing a thorough knowledge of the evolution of regional integration processes across outside Europe. Mastering the comparison between these regional integration processes and the European experience. Putting the regional integration process in the historical and global context in order to attempt some prospective analysis. Assessing to what extent the European experience constitutes a useful benchmark for other regional integration process.

Evaluation methods

At the end of the term, each student will have to submit an essay of 5000 words that will be defended in an oral examination of 30 minutes. The essay and the oral defense will account for the remaining 70% of the final mark.Students can choose between English and French for their summaries, the written essay and the oral examination.

Teaching methods

The preparation of readings and relevant participation will account for 30% of the final mark. Each week, each student has to summarize a total of 100-120 pages from articles or books selected in the reading list of the course (downloadable from the website of the course). An electronic version of the weekly summaries is to be sent by mail to the professor one day before the lecture takes place. Weekly summaries should not exceed 1500 words. Weekly summaries will be marked and will account for 30% of the final mark.

Cycle et année
> Master [120] in European Studies
Faculty or entity
in charge

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