5.0 crédits ECTS
30.0 h
Teacher(s) |
Neven Jean-François ;
Gilson Steve ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Main themes |
The content of the course, concerning Belgian, European or comparative social security law may vary, from one year to another considering in particular the topicality of certain questions.
It may notably be the study of certain particular questions related to the social security (f.i. the notions of remuneration used for the calculation of the social security contributions), current topics (f.i. the active welfare state or the evolution of the social security in a federal state), or the systematic study of a particular social security sector that has not been addressed in the course of social security law (f.i. the unemployment allowances).
Aims |
- Acquisition of knowledge in relation to the subjects taught.
- Understanding of the concepts used in this field.
- Use of the legal texts regulating this subject
- Acquainting with more systematic approaches, in terms of contextualisation, models, etc
- Bring into focus the relativity of the solutions provided by the law on the one hand and of the necessarily dialogical nature of any legal reasoning on the other hand.
- Acquisition of a method of analyse of the legal texts or decisions in a context of evolving principles with regard to the ground principles of the social security law.
- Improvement of cooperative learning skills.
This course is part of a coherent set of three optional courses. The lecturers of the optional course constitute a pedagogy team: they consult each other on the content and the method of each course in order to ensure that the different courses complement each other. The course is based on participative educational methods (learning by project or by problem solving, comment of judicial decisions or legal literature, debate with invited extern speakers, field studies) that enable the students to autonomously improve a critical, prospective and inventive view of the addressed questions.
The students are encouraged to participate and to be involved in the learning process, which has both a collective and individual dimension. In this view, the professors in charge of the different optional courses within the faculty consult each other about the educational methods used.
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Master [120] in Law
> Master [120] in Law (shift schedule)
Faculty or entity in charge |
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