Hydraulique appliquée [ LAUCE2151 ]
5.0 crédits ECTS
30.0 h + 30.0 h
Teacher(s) |
Soares Frazao Sandra ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Main themes |
- Open-channel hydraulics
- Theory of weirs
- Introduction to scale models and hydraulic measurements in laboratory
Aims |
- Knowledge and understanding of fluvial processes with the aim of designing fluvial works
Content |
- Introduction: field of application of Fluvial Hydraulics, types of rivers, basic elements in morphodynamics (2 hours)
- Free-surface flow : canals, sewers and rivers (16 hours)
* Uniform flow : Chézy and Manning equations, optimal section, compound and composite channels, uniform-depth calculation in canals and sewers
* Gradually varied flow : specific energy, critical depth, critical slope, water profiles: theory et practical calculation
* Flow in natural rivers: pseudo-uniform flow
* Suddenly varied flow : hydraulic jump, submerged hydraulic jump
* Flows in natural rivers: pseudo-uniform flow
* Flow in irregular geometry: Flow between a bottom outlet and a reservoir, Changes in bed slope, Changes in the channel width and obstacles: bridges and dam piers, Venturi channels, bottom sills, broad crested weir
* Flow in rivers with floodplains
- Theory of weirs (5 hours)
* Stability of weir flows
* Sharp crested weirs
* Creager broad crested weirs
* Spillways
* Side spillways
- Introduction to scale models and hydraulic measurements in laboratory (2 hours)
Other information |
- Prerequisite: AUCE 1152 "Hydraulics"
- Pedagogy: mix of lectures, practical and lab work
- Evaluation: Exercise examination at the end of the semester (25 % of total); oral examination (75 % of total)
- Support: syllabus
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Master [120] in Civil Engineering
Faculty or entity in charge |
> GC
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