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Procurement organisation and scope [ LLSMS2038 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Enseignant(s) Norrman Andreas ; Blome Constantin ;
Lieu de l'activité Louvain-la-Neuve

Given the condensed format for the class and the role of case teaching, participation at all project presentations,

guest lectures, and debriefings is mandatory.

We will be discussing other cases and articles during the course. You should be prepared for class discussion.


The course objectives are:

- To make you familiar with strategic and operational best practice  processes in sourcing & procurement

- To become proficient in the operational procurement process and understand which levers enable a high performance

- To provide you with an understanding of the scope of S&P

- To learn advanced negotiation skills

- To learn how to set up a high impact S&P organization and enable high employee performance

- To experience the best practice examples of how to enable a strategic   S&P unit as well as to learn the basic requirements (e.g. law)

In general, you should be able after the course to have the right mindset for delivering value add with procurement, know how to set-up efficient and effective operation procurement processes and how to enable the S&P function to provide strategic value.

Modes d'évaluation
des acquis des étudiants

The performance assessment will be based on individual and group performance:

-      Group Performance (group research project) (70%):

                                                           -     Individual Performance :

                                                                 (final exam) (30%)

The final exam is a written examination based on course literature and lectures. It is allowed to bring your notes and books etc, however it is not allowed to access internet etc. during the examination.

The date of the final exam will be announced in class.

Méthodes d'enseignement

The course will be based on real life procurement processes as framework to enable the strategic understanding. Mini cases, company visits, a negotiation clinic and an own research project as semester report will challenge you.


Strategic Value, organizational context and setup, operational processes of S&P and enablers of a high-impact organization


All relevant literature will be provided online through the iCampus website.

Notes, slides, questions to cases and articles are available from iCampus under the course LSMS2038 heading.

Autres infos

Semester                  Spring 2011

Language                English

Lectures                    30 h (14 x 2 h) (5 ECTS)


Prof. Constantin BLOME, GSK Biologicals Chairholder in Sourcing and Procurement, Office UCL/IAG B, constantin.blome@uclouvain.be
Phone: +32 10 474312

Prof. Andreas NORRMAN, Lund University, andreas.norrman@tlog.lth.se, Phone: +46 46 222 9150


Hakan UMIT, UCL/LSM, hakan.umit@uclouvain.be

Cycle et année
> Master [120] en sciences de gestion
> Master [120] en ingénieur de gestion
> Master [120] en ingénieur de gestion
Faculté ou entité
en charge

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