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Seminars on planification and health policies and systems [ WSDEV2104 ]

7.0 crédits ECTS  52.5 h  

Teacher(s) Malengreau Myriam ;
Language French
of the course
Bruxelles Woluwe
Main themes Each student will give a critical presentation of a previous experience of implementation, rehabilitation or development, of some health services or programmes. It will be discussed with the class. Special attention will be given to proper use of public health concepts and methods. Each student will have to elaborate a plan of improvement of an health service or programme, using the different abilities developed throughout the year.
Aims The students should develop the following skills: 1) Planning skills : a. identification of problems and malfunctions in health systems b. causal analysis c. strategic choices d. operational choices and planning e. follow-up indicators 2) Negotiation skills and participative planning 3) Presentation and debate skills within multicultural contexts
Content The "Seminars on planification and health policies and systems" are organized weekly with groups of 15 to 25 students. Their purpose is to allow critical reflexion and exchanges between participants, using their own professional experience of health services in developing countries. It allows the teacher to encourage proper utilization of concepts and methods taught in the programme, through real examples, and to develop students's abilities in negotiation and team work.
Other information Pre-requisites : Previous experience of health services and programmes in developing countries, to be able to think critically about it and develop new approaches and strategies. Organisation 20 sessions of 2 to 3h duration (2h of presentation and debate, + 1h of group exercices of planning steps ). Each student chooses his presentation topic; the list and calendar of theses may be found on internet http://www.md.ucl.ac.be/stages/semspi Evaluation 40 points in total : - 10 points for the quality of the student presentation and his inputs in debates - 30 points for the personal project to be submitted at the end of the year. Support Pratical informations and documents on icampus Tutoring The students projects are sent to the teacher by internet for regular revision and comments . The teacher is reachable at the end of the classes, by email or on appointment.
Cycle et année
> Advanced Master in Public Health: Health and Development
Faculty or entity
in charge

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