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Formation complémentaire en médecine préventive du nourrisson et du jeune enfant [ WPEDI2190 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Deggouj Naima ; François Geneviève ; Bodart Eddy ; Smets Françoise ; Beckers Dominique ; Yuksel Demet ; Tuerlinckx David (coordinator) ; Docquier Pierre-Louis ; Tennstedt Dominique ;
Language French
of the course
Bruxelles Woluwe
Main themes Child health - Domestic accidents The normal child, its growth and development The follow up of the normal child - the well babies clinic Breast feeding and how to feed children Immunization of children Oral health in children Signs of danger and minor ailments of children in daily practice: general paediatrics- ORL- ophtalmology - dermatology - orthopaedics Allergies in children Child abuses
Aims Ability to inform and advise parents on how to deal with little children, and how to promote, protect and restore their health. Ability to detect precociously any sign or symptom of harmful diseases. Ability to assess and treat minor ailments of children in daily family practice
Content Part of the teaching is given through lectures and part of it is self-learning on internet http://www.icampus.ucl.ac.be/PEDI2190 (texts, links, slides, MCQ, case studies)
Other information Prerequisites : this teaching aims at medical students, nurses and doctors Evaluation : MCQ Support : self-teaching course on internet ; notes can be printed from it
Cycle et année
> Master [240] in Medecine
> Advanced Master in General Medicine
> Preparatory university certificate for the advanced master in general medicin
Faculty or entity
in charge

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