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Médecine aiguë [ WMEDI2228 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  36.0 h  

Teacher(s) Wittebole Xavier ; Detaille Thierry ; Van Dyck Michel ; Docquier Marie-Agnès ; Verschuren Franck ; De Kock Marc (coordinator) ; Vanpee Dominique ; Thys Frédéric ; Clément de Cléty Stéphan ; Hantson Philippe ; Meert Philippe ; Laterre Pierre-François ; Pirotte Thierry ; Watremez Christine ; Montiel Virginie ; Castanares Zapatero Diego ;
Language French
of the course
Bruxelles Woluwe
Main themes
-          Physiopathology of sepsis and septic shock.
-          Physiopathology of acute respiratory distress syndrome.
-          Extensive physiological response to aggression: metabolic and inflammatory mechanisms.
-          Metabolic disturbances of the critically ill patient.
-          Physiopathology of hyperlactatemia and lactic acidosis.
-          Trauma brain injury: management.
-          Toxidrome: recognizing and management
Skills to be acquired:

The courses dedicated to intensive care aim to introduce the student to the main physiopathological mechanisms and diagnostic aspects leading the patient to a critical state.
Main goals:
The student will acquire theoretical and practical skills allowing to recognize a critical patient. Physiopathological mechanisms of diseases and treatments will be learned.
Evaluation methods
Multiple choice questionnaire based on clinical problems to resolve.
Magistral lessons based essentially on physiopathology and semiology.
Cycle et année
> Master [240] in Medecine
Faculty or entity
in charge

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