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Pharmacologie spéciale et éléments de pharmacothérapie, 1re partie [ WFARM2133 ]

8.0 crédits ECTS  68.0 h  

Teacher(s) Van Bambeke Françoise (coordinator) ; Jonas Jean-Christophe ; Spinewine Anne ; Feron Olivier ; Hermans Emmanuel ; Dessy Chantal ;
Language French
of the course
Bruxelles Woluwe

physiopathology, anatomy, general pharmacology, biochemistry; capacity to integrate these topics with the course.

Main themes

- systematic study of the main drug classes (pharmacochemical and pharmacological properties, indications, undesirable effects, drug interactions, contra-indications, posology, '), with the exception of anti-infective agents

- pharmacotherapy of the main pathologies for which these drugs are used



- Knowledgeof the pharmacology of the main drug classes currently used in human medicine in Belgium and of their clinical use.

- Learning outcomes : capacity to analyze, justify and possibly criticize the role of drugs in the treatment of non-hospitalized patients ; capacity to establish the benifit-risk ratio of a specific drug for a given patient, taking into account his/her physiopathological context and comedications.

Evaluation methods
  • Written examination with open questions and multiple choice questions on the main parts of the course
  • Oral examination with questions integrating different parts of the course ; the student has to answer to these questions in front of a jury made of different members of the teaching team.

FARM2133 reviews the main classes of drugs (except anti-infective agents) in terms of pharmacochemical and pharmacological properties, indications, undesirable effects, drug interactions, contra-indications, posology.  These drugs are examined in the pathophysiological context in which they are used.  For the main pathologies seen in  ambulatory (non-hospitalized) patients, pharmacotherapeutic principles are also reviewed (treatment guidelines, pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches).


  • Diaporamas
  • Répertoire commenté des médicamentsedited by the centre belge d'information pharmacothérapeutique
  • Pharmacology reference book : Rang & Dale's Pharmacology:ISBN 10: 0-7020-3471-1 ; ISBN 13: 978-0-7020-3471-8 ; CHURCHILL LIVINGSTONE
  • Pharmacotherapy reference book : Di Piro : Pharmacotherapy, a pathophysiological approach ; ISBN13: 9780071478991 ; ISBN10: 007147899X ; MC GRAW HILL
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Pharmacy
Faculty or entity
in charge

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