Writing a scientific text in French
[ LROM2507 ]
2.0 crédits ECTS
7.5 h + 7.5 h
Teacher(s) |
Scheepers Caroline ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Main themes |
To start with there will be a master course (A), with an exemption test at the end (B) :
- A. The master course : 6 hours will clarify the principles and methodologies of scientific essay writing. We will especially focus on: - the presentation of the conventions in force for the presentation of a scientific text ; - the structuring and writing methods of this written genre. Afterwards, the methodologies and skills required first to make a reliable and complete summary of some written scientific information and secondly to write a review of a scientific article read will be explained. The creation principles of this genre will be repeated : information and organisation analysis, spotting of the communication intention and of the enunciative system, change the enunicative point of view and rewriting adapted for the specific reader' scope.
- B. The exemption test : at the end of 6 hours of course, the students will have to take an exemption test. This exam is to assess the summary writing skills of a scientific article or review of a text read, both meant to be published in a journal.
- C. Exercises : the students who fail the exemption test will have to follow some training in small groups (15 to 20 students) ; this training will link therory to practice : it will give the students the possibility to make some exercises, in order to improve their skills in scientific essay writing.
Aims |
- Understanding of the working and structuring ways of written communication of a scientific knowledge (in French);
- Strenghteningthe French skills of the " romanist " students in the specific areas such essay writing and presentation of a scientific text is concerned (to prepare for the writing of the paper of the end of studies.
Evaluation methods |
A written examination (four hours) will be organized during the session of June. The students will be invited to produce one or several papers bound to their report according to specific orders which will be communicated with them.
Teaching methods |
It is about a lecture dispensed in students' small hundred.
Content |
The course consists in analyzing anonymous extracts of reports of Master's degree to spot how work the aforesaid indicators in context, before producing brief texts bound to the elaboration of the report of Master's degree.
Bibliography |
The course(price) rests(bases) on the most recent experiences of the searches(researches) dedicated to the university littéracies: Lidil 17 (1998), Fintz (1998), Le français aujourd'hui 125 (1999), Pollet (2001), Lidil 24 (2001), Spirale 29 (2002), Enjeux 53 et 54 (2002), Pratiques 121-122 (2004), Lidil 34 (2006), Donahue (2008), Diptyque 18 (2010), Lidil 41 (2010)... The students have to get themselves no work, notes are communicated with the course.
Other information |
In 2011-2012, this course will be dispensed in the second quadrimainmast. The students are invited to consult i-campus.
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Master [120] in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General
Faculty or entity in charge |
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