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Medieval texts and manuscripts: a critical approach [ LROM2227 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  15.0 h   2q 

Ce cours bisannuel est dispensé en 2011-2012, 2013-2014, ...

Teacher(s) Delsaux Olivier (compensates Van Hemelryck Tania) ; Van Hemelryck Tania ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes The course is devoted to the study of literary texts of medieval authors, by the means of a critical approach to manuscripts, in order to highlight the processes and motivations involved in the genesis of a literary work of the medieval period. It will try to instill a critical approach toward the object of study ; to introduce students to the weight of the normative tradition of the nineteeth and twentieth centuries in their approach to medieval texts, as well as to the necessity to recontextualize any literary work in its historic, economic and cultural contexts.
Aims On the basis of the discipline's epistemology and of an in-depth analysis of the manuscript tradition of an author (ancient or middle French) : - refine the student's spirit of analysis in relation to modern critical editions of medieval texts; - increase the student's awareness in relation to the material and textual aspects of French literary manuscripts (graphic variants and corrections in the case of autograph manuscripts; the relationship between the text and its iconography; textual organization of manuscripts according to the dedicatee, etc.) ; - to introduce students to a critical approach of medieval literature ; - to initiate students to the innovating aspects of new philology.
Content In the framework of specialized finality, the course aims at improving one's knowledge in French medieval literature by the means of an in-depth internal and external study of the works of an author based on its manuscripts (ancient or middle French). On the basis of the acquired knowledge of the new philology and literary theory, the lectures will be structured around two axes: - a methodological approach : to relate (in a historical and critical perspective) critical editions and their manuscripts ; - a literary corpus approach (ancient or middle French) : starting from manuscripts, to clarify the author's implication in the esthetic and material elaboration of a work ; through this process, to focus on the genesis of a work and the literary personality of an author. At last, the lectures shall come to life by a couple hours of direct contact with the manuscripts of texts studied and preserved at the Bibliothèque royale de Belgique (autograph manuscripts of Christine de Pizan, original manuscripts of Watriquet de Couvin, etc.).
Other information Prerequisite : students shall be acquainted to the ancient language. Evaluation : oral exam and research paper consisting in the critical analysis of a critical edition in ancient or middle french. Support : detailed syllabus ; bibliography ; numeric reproductions (available on iCampus). Required reading: P. GEHIN (s.dir.), Lire le manuscrit médiéval, Paris, A. Colin, 2005 (Collection U - Histoire) ; B. CERQUIGLINI, Eloge de la variante. Histoire critique de la philologie, Paris, Seuil, 1989 (Des travaux) ; G. DI STEFANO, Essai sur le moyen français, Padoue, Liviana, 1977 (Ydioma tripharium, 4)
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in History
> Master [60] in History
> Master [120] in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General
> Master [120] in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures
> Certificat universitaire en littérature
Faculty or entity
in charge

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