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Lexicology [ LROM2171 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  22.5 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Fairon Cédrick ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes Describe the main axes of the French lexicon mechanisms through structural (distributional) or constructional approaches. Reflect on the links between lexicon and grammar.
Aims Deepen knowledge of the lexical system mechanisms in synchrony. Become aware of the lexicon possibilities.
Content In addition to the theoretical definition of a lexical unit (What is a word?), the course addresses multiple facets of lexicon, from the word (morpheme) to different forms of frozen expressions, not forgetting frozen sentences and proverbs, where lexicon and syntax meet. The two forms of lexical creativity: endogenous neologisms (lexical morphology and semantic aspects) and loan words, will be addressed alternately.
Other information Prerequisites : a linguistic background equivalent to the level of the Belgian "Bac en langues et littératures romanes". Assessment : oral examination with personal work to be presented during the exam. Course materials : detailed overview with select bibliography.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Modern Languages and Literatures : General
> Master [60] in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General
> Master [120] in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General
> Master [120] in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : French as a Second Language
> Master [60] in Modern Languages and Literatures : General
> Master [120] in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures
> Master [120] in Linguistics
Faculty or entity
in charge

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