Evaluation methods |
The evaluation will proceed that way :
- one MCQ in order to control the reading of the studied works (4 points). It will be done in two parts : the first one during a session of lecture in december (2 points), the second one during the exam in june (2 points). For the session of september, the MCQ will be given in one time (4 points).
- a theoretical question dealing with an aspect of the lectures (6 points).
- a commentary of a poem excerpt from one of the studied works (8 points).
- the progress between two assignments made during the year (2 points).
- Attention : to participate in all the sessions of « exercices » is an obligation. An absence without any justification cancels the évaluation of the progress during the year (2 points) and the correction of the commentary of the exam (8 points).
Schedule of th evaluation :
- 5 sessions of « Exercices » between october and december.
- décembre : 1st half of the MCQ ; 1er test of commentary, to be done at home et given back during the last week of the first semester.
- 5 sessions of « Exercices » between february and may.
- On saturday march 24th 2012, 9h-13h, in the conditions of the exam : 2e test of commentary + 2nd half of the MCQ.
- exam of june (4h) : the theoretical question, the commentary.
- (exam of september : the all MCQ entier, the theoretical question, the commentary).
Bibliography |
The main works studied will be the following :
' Labé, Louise : Poésies, éd. F. Charpentier, Poésie/Gallimard, 1983 [1555].
' Du Bellay, Joachim : Les Regrets, éd. F. Roudaut, Le Livre de Poche, 2002 [1558].
' La Fontaine, Jean de : Fables, Livres I, II, III, IV et V, éd. J.-Ch. Darmon, Le Livre de Poche, 2002 [1668].
' Hugo, Victor : Les Contemplations, L. Charles-Wurtz, Le Livre de Poche, 2002 [1856].
' Baudelaire, Charles : Les Fleurs du mal, éd. J. E. Jackson, Le Livre de Poche, 1999 [1857].
' Verlaine, Paul : Fêtes galantes, Romances sans paroles, éd. J. Borel, Poésie/Gallimard, 1973 [1869 et 1874].
' Rimbaud, Arthur : Poésies, dans Poésies. Une saison en enfer. Illuminations, éd. L. Forestier, Poésie/Gallimard, 1973 [1891 et 1895].
' Apollinaire, Guillaume : Alcools, Paris, Poésie/Gallimard [1913].
' Ponge, Francis : Le Parti-pris des choses, Paris, Poésie/Gallimard [1942].
' Roubaud, Jacques : Quelque chose noir, Paris, Poésie/Gallimard [1986].
We'll also use Dictionnaire de poétique by Michèle Aquien (Paris, Le Livre de Poche, 1993) and recommend La Poésie. Textes choisis et présentés par Hugues Marchal (Paris, GF-Corpus, 2007) and La Poésie. Introduction à l'analyse des textes poétiques by Alain Vaillant (Paris, Armand Colin, « 128 », 2008).