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Psychanalyse et psychopathologie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence [ LPSYM2537 ]

6.0 crédits ECTS  60.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Passone Sesto ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes The course will develop the following main thematic categories: - the symptom an other unconscious formation (dream, fantasy, failure action, …) and their expression mode with the child and the adolescent; - expression mode of psychic suffering with the baby, the child and the adolescent; - the unconscious organization of human psycho-sexuality (child sexuality, oedipal complex, libido theory,…); - psychoanalytical conceptions of child and adolescent psychopathology (neurosis, psychoses, perversions, deficiency disorders and structuring of the personality); - enlarged meta-psychology in the light of the specific contribution of psychoanalysis with the child and the adolescent; - the principles of psychoanalytical clinic with babies, children, adolescents and their family, and the construction of adapted psychotherapeutic frameworks.
Aims At the end of the training, the student must be able to: - Grasp the characteristics of Freud's approach and its development in the currents of contemporary psychoanalysis research and therapy with the child and the adolescent; - Understand the evolution of conceptualization in the field of psychoanalysis with the child: activity of the unconsciousness, transfers, fantasies, conflicts, their psychic transformation, symptoms formation… - Find out the impact of the specific articulation promoted in psychoanalysis in theory, clinical practices and research.
Content As far as the method is concerned, it will be an ex-cathedra course, with numerous clinical illustrations, with oral discussion with the students. Furthermore, the students are asked to read and understand the references texts. As far as the content is concerned, the course presents psychoanalysis as a method of research, theorization and psychotherapeutic treatment through the presentation of its invention, its essential concepts, its meta-psychological modeling, its clinical principles and techniques.
Other information Pre-required: an introduction to psychoanalysis and pathological psychology (e.g. the introduction to clinical psychology course of the 2nd bachelor and pathological psychology of the 3rd bachelor). Evaluation: according to the teacher in charge of the course, the exam may be oral or written. It will consist of questions of knowledge and reflection on the subject studied during the course.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Psychology
Faculty or entity
in charge

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