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Psychologie clinique: psychanalyse [ LPSYM2515 ]

6.0 crédits ECTS  60.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Heenen-Wolff Susann ;
Language French
of the course

Pre-required: introduction to psychoanalysis and pathological psychology (e.g. courses of introduction to clinical psychology of bachelor 2 and pathological psychology of bachelor 3).

Main themes

The course is divided in several parts. The first consists of the fundamentals of the psychoanalytical approach and its characteristics. The second part is about the deepening of a particular clinical thematic different from year to year and broached from classical texts as well as contemporary reflection. The fundamental part will develop the following main thematic categories: Freud's finding of unconscious and the construction of the psychoanalytical method and its specificities; the symptom and the other unconscious formations (dream, fantasy, failure action,…); the human sexuality (child sexuality, oedipal complex, libido theory,…), the psychoanalytical psychopathology (transference, counter-transference, framework, process, interpretation,…). The study of the chosen thematic will be lead through different angle: the principles, theoretical models and elaborated concepts in psychoanalysis; the history of the key moments of this elaboration, its articulation with psychopathology and its clinical intervention, including different from strictly psycho-therapeutic, the interdisciplinary dialogue with other currents in psychology and human sciences.


At the end of the training, the student must be able to: - recapture Freud's approach and the development of contemporary psychoanalytic currents in the theoretico-clinical research as well as its fields of relevance; - understand the elaboration of the main concept of Freud's and post-Freud's tradition; - figure out the impact of the original articulation in psychoanalysis between theory, research and clinical practices; - understand the theoretical elaboration o the chosen thematic, as it is formulated from the works of Freud to the present psychoanalytical researches; - articulate the studied thematic with the given clinical troubles; - figure out the specificity of the psychoanalytic approach with regards to other approaches in clinical psychology and in the dialogue with other disciplines of human sciences.

Evaluation methods

the exam will be oral or written.


As far as the method is concerned, it will be an ex-cathedra lectures course, with numerous clinical illustrations, oral exchange during lectures with the students. In addition, the students will be asked to learn and critically read reference texts. As far as the content is concerned, the course presents psychoanalysis as a method of clinical treatment, research, theorization through the presentation of its invention, its main concepts, its meta-psychological marks and its investigation principles. Then, it will study thoroughly a particular clinical theme (different from year to year) of psychoanalysis having its roots in Freud's tradition and developing today.

Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Psychology
> Advanced Master in Psychoanalytical Theories
Faculty or entity
in charge

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