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Religion, santé et psychothérapie [ LPSYM2044 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Saroglou Vassilis ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes The course mainly examines the complex bonds between, on the one hand, several aspects and dimensions of religion and spirituality and, on the other hand, various components of wellbeing, health (mental and physical) or of psychopathology. The individual and social regulators of these bonds will also be examined. Moreover, the course will broach questions on the place and role of religion and spirituality (on the side of the therapist and of the patient) in the psychotherapeutic practices.
Aims To look further and sharpen a critical look on specific questions of clinical psychology of religion with a special attention on questions of interdisciplinary interest (psychopathology, positive psychology, other social sciences of health) and on questions in relation with the professional practice, based on the interaction between theoretical prospects and empirical studies.
Content - Positive impact of the religion on health and wellbeing - Intra-cultural and intra-religious comparisons - Religion and mental health for immigrants - Depression, acedia and religious euphoria - Neurosis, obsession and religious culpability - The statute of beliefs and the relation to reality - Religious management of health and cultural variations - Psychotherapy: patient's and psychologist's faith and beliefs - Psychology of forgiveness and psychotherapy - Meditation, religious experiment and paranormal experiments - Mental health and wellbeing within the sects
Other information Evaluation: Information related to the mode of evaluation will be put at the disposal of students on I-campus. Support Information related to the support will be put at the disposal of students on I-campus. References: Lectures favoring interaction and critical comments; specialized bibliography by themes.
Cycle et année
> Certificat approfondi en psychologie de la religion
> Master [120] in Sciences of Religions
> Master [120] in Psychology
Faculty or entity
in charge

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