Psychology of social cognition and intergroup relationships [ LPSY1313 ]
4.0 crédits ECTS
30.0 h
Dedonder Jonathan (compensates Yzerbyt Vincent) ;
Yzerbyt Vincent ;
Place of the course
Main themes
- survey of the basic concepts : implicit personality theories, causal attribution and fundamental error, stereotypes, discrimination, prejudice
- study of the recent models on activation, application and inhibition of stereotypes
- analysis of bias in perception, especially research confirmation and issue of change of stereotypes
- study of the major theories and processes in intergroup relationships
- pragmatic approach to perception and survey of the characteristic features of social judgment
- introduction to the models of intergroup emotions
- to familiarize students with the basic processes of social cognition and intergroup relationships
- to familiarize students with the basic processes of social cognition and intergroup relationships
- based on the book "Connaître et juger autrui : Une introduction à la cognition sociale" by Vincent Yzerbyt and Georges Schadron (1996, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble) and also on English texts on the question of social cognition