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Stages d'enseignements en physique (en ce compris le séminaire d'intégration des stages) [ LPHY2310 ]

7.0 crédits ECTS  15.0 h + 40.0 h  

Teacher(s) Plumat Jim ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes The course PHY2310 aims at organizing, overseeing, rating the teaching training courses of the students who are following the aggregation in physics and also to do a common retrospective about those training courses. The training course consists, for the student, in teaching 30 hours of classes in physics under the supervision of a trainer in classes of upper secondary school of either comprehensive, technical and/or professional levels. In order to get in touch with his future pupils, his trainer and the school, the student has to observe10 hours of lessons in physics prior to his teaching training course. The follow-up of the teaching training courses is done during the visit to the secondary school where the students perform their training course. At the end of their training course, the students will hand over a file which will consist, further to the account of their observation, in the preparation of their lessons and a retrospective analyse of their teaching activities. A seminar about the integration of the training course is organised to help the students get better in their job as teachers and allow them exchanging ideas about their teaching activities and analyse their own practical experience through a metacognitive method.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Physics
> Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Physics
Faculty or entity
in charge

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