Physique et dynamique de l'atmosphère et de l'océan I [ LPHY2150 ]
6.0 crédits ECTS
45.0 h + 9.0 h
Teacher(s) |
Fichefet Thierry ;
Crucifix Michel ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Main themes |
General characteristics of the atmosphere; diabatic processes and
greenhouse effect; dry air thermodynamics ; vertical (in-)stability
and convection; condensation; general equations of geophysical
fluids; large-scale atmospheric dynamics; general atmospheric
circulation; sea-water properties; boundary layers and sea-air
interactions; wind-driven and thermohaline oceanic circulations
Aims |
Acquire fundamental notions of dynamical meteorology and physical
oceanography to physically understand the main large-scale
atmospheric and oceanic processes.
Other information |
General lectures preparing the students to research and applications
in physical climatology. Ideally requires some prior knowledge of
fluid dynamics and thermodynamics.
The course includes class-room teaching with a number of experimental
demonstrations with a rotating water-tank. The student is marked
after an oral examination on the lecture contents.
Reference :
Marshall J. and Plumb, R.A. : Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics,
Academic Press, 2007, 319 pages
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Master [120] in Mechanical Engineering
> Master [120] in Physics
> Master [60] in Physics
> Master [120] in Geography : Climatology
> Master [120] in Geography : General
Faculty or entity in charge |
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