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Interfaculty course - General and academic Dutch - intermediate level [ LNEER1300 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Fenendael Rita (coordinator) ; Bufkens Hilde ;
Language Dutch
of the course
Main themes The course is structured around different themes related primarily to the daily life in a Dutch speaking environment, to the academic world and to the Flemish and Dutch culture in broad sense (including also political, economical and social aspects).
Aims Reading comprehension: B1+ level of the CEFR - students can read with some autonomy and understand the argumentative scheme of factual texts, written in current language and related to cultural matters or to contemporary problems - students can understand academic course notes related to their field of study. Listening comprehension: B1+ level of the CEFR - students can understand most of an academic lecture related to their field of study, provided the presentation is clearly structured and the standard language clearly articulated - students can understand most of the newspapers and television programmes (also on cultural matters) provided the student is familiar with the topic and the standard language is clearly articulated. - students can understand a normal conversation, with the occasional repeating of certain words or expressions. Speaking skills: B1+ level of the CEFR - students can expose their points of views and defend them - students can explain their point of view by presenting the advantages and disadvantages of different options - students can keep, with some ease, a conversation or discussion with a native speaker, in standard language, on a general topic or a topic related to their field of study Writing skills : B1- level of the CEFR - Students can write a simple and coherent text on a familiar topic which is of direct interest to them or which is related to their field of study. Code : Expansion of general vocabulary (+/- 2000 basic words) and introduction to academic vocabulary. Reinforcement of specific Dutch grammatical structures. As far as speaking skills are concerned, the course focuses more on communicative skills than on correction. Culture For all the skills aforementioned: introduction to Flemish and Dutch culture through active participation (cultural trips, films, exhibitions, …) .

This course focuses primarily on oral communication practice. The activities proposed in class aim at developing spontaneous communication while reinforcing the mastery of the code (vocabulary, grammar) : role plays, debates on various topics, discussions based on articles, videos, ' Students are required to deliver a talk on a chosen topic, related or not to their field of study). During this presentation, they are asked to create interaction with the public. All these activities require some preparation work to be done by the students who are also themselves responsible for perfecting their linguistic knowledge (vocabulary study, revision of grammatical points, '). The self-tuition centre and the Mulimedia room are available for that.

Other information

Prerequisites: This course is of intermediate level and students should have a good knowledge of the basic grammar and vocabulary and have reached a LOWER B1 level (reading, listening and speaking) of the " Common European Framework of reference for Languages " (CEFR). Assessment: Continuous assessment (class participation, daily work, oral presentation in group, ') Oral exam on a topic previously defined by the teacher in agreement with the students (press reading file, cultural file, ') Written assessment of academic vocabulary Course material: Self-tuition course (Moodle e-learning platform or syllabus) aimed at self-tuition, including general vocabulary and a mini-grammar with exercises and corrections. Syllabus providing Dutch academic vocabulary Training staff: Classes in groups of 15 to 20 students. The teacher is available during his/her office hours and can be contacted by telephone or e-mail. Work load: 30 teaching hours + 42 hours of autonomous work Year (s) of studies aimed at : This course is aimed at the students of all the years of studies of all the faculties. It is aimed in particular at all students who are planning to take part in an exchange programme in a Dutch-speaking region, at FSA 11 ' 12 ' 13 BA students who have been exempted of their English class and at ESPO or DRT 13 BA students who follow some classes at the KULeuven.

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