Technology of Music. Organology (methodological part)
[ LMUSI1516 ]
3.0 crédits ECTS
22.5 h
Ce cours bisannuel est dispensé en 2011-2012, 2013-2014, ...
Ceulemans Anne-Emmanuelle ;
Place of the course
Main themes
- Description of acoustical constraints related to the instrument; - History of scales and temperaments of antiquity to the present; - History of tune; - Classification of musical instruments according to their morphology.
Understanding the basics of musical acoustics, training ranges and temperaments, changes the pitch and the classification of musical instruments.
The course begins with an analysis of constraints imposed by the acoustic instrumental (mainly strings and aerophones). The second part is devoted to the construction of ranges (range pythagorean, zarlinienne) and temperaments (tuning, irregular, equal). The third part is devoted to pitch and its history. The last part of the course covers the classification of musical instruments (in collaboration with the Musée de Louvain-la-Neuve).
As part of the course, a visit to the Musical Instruments Museum in Brussels is planned. Visits instrument workshops are also possible.
The review is quoted on the basis of theoretical knowledge for students but also their ability to observe. It is particularly valued by using drawings of the instruments they are invited to perform during the year.