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Topology [ LMAT1323 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  22.5 h + 15.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Lambrechts Pascal ; Félix Yves ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes Metric spaces Topological spaces Continuous maps . Hausdorff spaces Compact spaces Connectedness
Aims The objective is on one hand to initiate students to the notion of topological space and on the other hand to make them find short proofs of topological properties. After this course they will be : - familiar with a large series of topological spaces - able to establish continuity/discontinuity of maps between topological spaces; - able to recognize and to establish the compactness and connectedness of topological spaces and to draw conclusions; - able to build and write short proofs concerning topological properties.
Other information Prerequisite : Mathematical analysis 3
Cycle et année
> Bachelor in Economics and Management
> Bachelor in Engineering
> Bachelor in Physics
> Bachelor in Mathematics
Faculty or entity
in charge

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