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Introduction to materials science [ LMAPR1805 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Charlier Jean-Christophe ; Legras Roger (coordinator) ; Pardoen Thomas ;
Language French
of the course

Basic notions in chemistry, physics and thermodynamics

Main themes

The course is divided into 3 parts. The first introductive part is centred on the chemical bond concept, allowing the classification of materials. In a second part, various functional properties of materials are described. At last, the third part proposes an introduction to materials engineering for metals, ceramics and polymers, in the framework of structural properties.

The aim of the present course consists in the illustration of the link between macroscopic properties of various classes of materials and the fundamental aspect of matter, from its atomic or molecular level to its microstructure.


Provide a description of chemical bonding in relationship with materials classes, of consequent microstructures and molecular architectures, and of resulting structural and functional properties.

Provide explanations on the influence of materials composition and processing on their microstructure and their application properties.

The course provides a unified picture of materials, beyond specifics associated with materials classes, while explaining the particular behaviour of specific materials.

Teaching methods Ex-cathedra lectures, with numerous industrial and academic examples.
Content PART I: General introduction to materials science 1. Historical and economical aspects, materials classes and selection strategy 2. Chemical bondings, main polymerisation reactions, tacticity, and molecular architecture 3. Crystalline organisation, amorphous solids, polymorphism 4. Crystalline defects PART II: Materials functional properties 1. Electrons and phonons 2. Electrical and thermal conductivity 3. Dielectric, magnetic and optical properties of materials PART III: Structural properties of materials 1. Strain behaviour 2. Relationships between defects / microstructure / structural properties for metals and ceramics 3. Relationships between molecular architecture / microstructure / structural properties for polymer materials
Cycle et année
> Bachelor in Engineering
> Master [120] in Biomedical Engineering
Faculty or entity
in charge

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