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Advanced finance (in English) [ LLSMS2100 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Béreau Sophie ;
Language English
of the course
Main themes Financing and capital structure. IPO, Capital increase, shares buyback. Selection and implementation of optimal portfolios Returns expected by shareholders and bondholders
Aims To give to our students a good understanding of the financial decisions of the firm. A special attention is given to the capital budgeting decisions and the capital structure choices. The second objective is to understand and to implement optimal portfolio strategies.
Content Summary Valuation and expected return (CAPM, APT) are analysed in the first part of the course. Then the optimal financial structure is covered, starting from Modigliani Miller to Black Scholes and options theory. The last part of the course overviews the price reactions to firm announcements such as capital increase, mergers and acquisitions. Content An overwiew of financing choices The financing mix : tradeoffs and theory and Black Scholes theory Dividend policy : schools and theory Beyond cash dividends: buybacks, spinoffs, and divestitures Optimal allocation and portfolio of risky assets Mergers and acquisitions Initial Public Offering Studies of price rection to firm announcements. Methods In-class activities 1 Lectures 1 Exercices/PT At home activities 1 Readings to prepare the lecture
Other information Prerequisites :good level and financial accounting and in financial mathematics Evaluation : Class participation and oral examination, in French Support : Documents provided through icampus References : Provided in the course's presentation Internationalisation 0 international content (the content is universal) Corporate features Skills 0 team work 0 individual autonomy 0 problem solving 0 critical thinking 0 assertiveness Techniques and tools for teaching and learning 0 IT tools 0 Internet work 0 modelling 0 simulation 0 quantitative methods 0 mathematics
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Management
> Master 120 of arts in Business engineering
Faculty or entity
in charge

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