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Marketing [ LLSMG2002 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h  

Teacher(s) de Moerloose Chantal ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes 1. Marketing in corporate and society 2. New challenges for marketing 3. Understanding customer's needs 4. Analyzing customer's response process 5. The marketing information system (MIS) 6. Analyzing customer needs through segmentation 7. Analyzing market's attractiveness 8. Analyzing competitiveness on segments 9. Targeting and positioning 10. Marketing strategic choices 11. New products
Aims a) To understand basic marketing concepts, marketing reasoning and tools in marketing management. b) To apply the marketing reasoning, concepts et methods in actual marketing cases (cases, exrcices, articles) c) To develop decisional ability (and group management) in a marketing simulation game.
Content Content The course is based on the 3 first parts (11 chapters) of the below-referenced textbook LAMBIN et al. (2008): (I) The new role of the marketing, (II) The customer's behavior and (III) The strategic marketing. Teaching methods a) The theoretical course is given two hours weekly. Some theoretical concepts are illustrated by case studies and external speaker conferences. During the courses, some exercises and case studies are also proposed; they are sometimes solved during the course. b) A market simulation game (Markstrat) played in groups, integrates concepts and application. Two to four hours a week must be forecasted for this work in group.
Other information Pre-requisite: basic mathematics and statistics knowledge (logarithm, derivates, standard-deviation…), and basic concepts in economy (demand/supply law, elasticity …) are required before starting this course. Assessment methods: Individual, written exam verifying theoretical knowledge of concepts and ability to apply them (cases, articles…) (70%) and oral group presentation of the simulation games (Markstrat) (30%). All of them are in French. Reference: LAMBIN J.J., de MOERLOOSE Ch. (2008) Le Marketing Stratégique. Septième Edition. Dunod. http://www.dunod.com/pages/ouvrages/ficheouvrage.asp?id=9782100521371 Additional support: Additionally to the exercises proposed at the end of each chapter in the referenced textbook, some exercises and cases studies are given to the students on iCampus
Cycle et année
> Master [60] in Management
> Master [120] in Political Sciences: General
Faculty or entity
in charge

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