Optimization and operations research seminar [ LINMA2494 ]
2.0 crédits ECTS
20.0 h
Teacher(s) |
Glineur François (coordinator) ;
Van Vyve Mathieu ;
Nesterov Yurii ;
Chevalier Philippe ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Main themes |
- Specialists (researchers and professors from UCL and from abroad) will present talks about optimization and operations research in the framework of the Mathematical Programme Seminar at CORE.
- Reading group of scientific articles concerning optimization and operations research.
- Presentation by students of a research topic or a scientific article.
Aims |
Initiate the student into advanced questions and recent developments in optimization and operations research. Develop a critical mind and a global approach towards a scientific research. Initiate the student into oral and written scientific communication.
Content |
Students attend the presentations of the weekly seminar in optimization and operations research. In parallel, they take part to reading group sessions dedicated to scientific articles of a historic importance or presenting recent developments in these domains. The seminar presentations and reading group sessions are selected at the beginning of the semester. Students take an active part in both activities. At the end of the semester, they, in turn, present a scientific talk about one of the topics covered during the seminar or within the framework of the reading group.
Other information |
This course is taught in English. Students are assessed on, among others, their scientific communication skills. Prerequisite : basic education in optimization and operations research is preferable (for example via INMA1691, INMA1702, INMA2470, INMA2471 and INMA2491). This course can be taken during the first or the second quadrimester (contact the coordinator at the beginning of the chosen quadrimester).
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Master [120] in Mathematical Engineering
Faculty or entity in charge |
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