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Computer system security [ LINGI2347 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h + 15.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Avoine Gildas ;
Language English
of the course
Online resources

 > http://www.icampus.ucl.ac.be/claroline/course/index.php?cid=INGI2347

  • Background in computer networks (INGI2141 or eventually ELEC2920)
  • Basic knowledges in programming

INFO2MS and SINF2MS students are both compliant with these prerequisites. Student who do not know if their background allows them the attend the course (e.g. students from ELEC, ELME or MAP) should contact the teaching assistant or lecturer.

Weaknesses in network can be filled by reading the book "Computer Network" by Andew Tanenbaum. The most important topics that will be used in INGI2347 are: SMTP, Telnet, IP, TCP, ARP, MAC, OSI layered model.

Main themes
  • Forged E-Mail, Spam and Malwares,
  • Basics in cryptography,
  • Network and Application Vulnerabilities: IT spoofing, session hijacking, exploits, sniffing,
  • Firewalls,
  • Proxies, IDS, Hacking methods,
  • Passwords and time-memory trade-off,
  • Secure communications,
  • Security at the User Level.

The course provides a broad view of computer system security that provides a general knowledge of the field for non-specialists and a base for future specialists.

A student completing successfully this course will be able to:

  • defend the need for protection and security, and the role of ethical considerations in computer use,
  • identify security strenghts and weaknesses in computer systems,
  • explain the problems addressed by digital forensics and outline the basic principles involved in its pratice,
  • compare and contrast current methods for implementing security.
Evaluation methods


  • MCQ, 2 years and therefore a bigger problem
  • written in June, oral in September

Challenges made during the year

Teaching methods
  • Lectures
  • In-class exercices take place every two weeks.
  • Challenges which are practical exercises that are introduced at the end of the lectures. Students solve these challenges by themselves, at home or in the computer rooms.

The course describes  a wide spectrum of the security problems everyone may face when using a computer, and explain how to mitigate them. It uses a more technical than analytical approach.

  • Forged E-Mail,
  • Spam and Malwares,
  • Basics in Cryptography (exhaustive search, RSA, birthday paradox, hash function, etc.),
  • Network and Application Vulnerabilities (IP spoofing, session hijacking, exploits, sniffing),
  • Firewalls,
  • Proxies, IDS, Hacking method,
  • Passwords and Time-memory trade-off,
  • SSH, IPSec, certificates,
  • SSL/TLS,
  • WEP, WPA,
  • Kerberos,
  • PGP,
  • Security viewed by a police officer.

Textbooks (not mandatory)

  • "Computer system security, basic concepts and solved Exercices",  G. Avoine, P. Junod and Ph. Oechslin, EPFL Press; 1 edition (July 2007), ISBN-10: 1420046209 , ISBN-13: 978-1420046205.
  • "Sécurité informatique", G. Avoine, P. Junod et Ph. Oechslin, Editions Vuibert.

Mandatory documents : slides on the website

Other information

INGI2347 vs INGI2144

Class INGI2347 is an introduction to network and application security, while class INGI2144 is an advanced course on application security.

Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Computer Science and Engineering
> Master [120] in Electrical Engineering
> Master [120] in Mathematical Engineering
> Master [120] in Computer Science
Faculty or entity
in charge

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