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Teaching history : preparing and analysing activities [ LHIST9002 ]

8.0 crédits ECTS   

Language French
of the course
Main themes During the stages, the student will applicate the practical and theoretical tools he learn during the courses HIST 2311 and 2313.
Aims Upon completion of the stages, students should be able to create and analyse an instructional sequence in history intended for secondary-level students.
Content Before their own stages, students will present critically their projects of instructional sequence in history.
Other information Pre-requisites : Students should also be registered for the course " Teaching History and Examination of Program Content " (HIST 2311), for the teaching practice seminar for history (HIST 2313) and for student teaching (HIST 9001). Evaluation : The certification will be based on the instructionnal sequences prepared by the student during their stages (HIST 9001).
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in History
Faculty or entity
in charge

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