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Greek - Advanced level [ LGREC1500 ]

9.0 crédits ECTS  90.0 h   1+2q 

Teacher(s) Chrysanthopoulos Panagiotis ;
Language Greek
of the course

GREC 1300, intermediate level;  placement test for external students

Main themes

Personal and family issues, ecology, professional life, tourist attractions, language, the economy, contemporary Greek culture, an introduction to Greek history and literature.

  • To understand the main points when clear standard language is being used on familiar topics to do with work, free time etc.
  • To understand the main points of various radio or TV current affairs programs for personal or professional use where the language is relatively slow and clear.
  • To understand texts written in everyday Greek.
  • To function in most situations one is likely to be in during a trip to  a place where Greek is spoken.
  • To take part without preparation in a conversation on topics which are familiar or of general interest or about everyday life (e.g. family, free time, work, travel and current affairs).
  • To use simple expressions to talk about one's experiences and things that have happened, one's dreams, hopes and goals.
  • To briefly give reasons and explanations for one's opinions and plans.
  • To tell a story or the plot of a book or film and express one's reactions.
  • To write a simple coherent text on familiar subjects.
  • To write personal letters describing one's experiences and impressions.
Evaluation methods

Continuous assessment and written and oral examinations.

  • A course of  90 hours, three hours per week, over a whole year.
  • Method and content: vocabulary and grammar exercises, listening and reading comprehension exercises, individual and interactive speaking exercises, writing exercises, texts and activities of general interest.

Material : Communicate in Greek 3; authors : Arvanitakis, Arvanitaki; Edition: DELTOS + extra material by the teacher

Other information

Course open to all (UCL students and staff and external students)

Cycle et année
> Master [60] in Ancient Languages and Literatures: Classics
> Master [120] in Ancient Languages and Literatures: Classics
Faculty or entity
in charge

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