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German literature: in-depth study of a theme [ LGERM2714 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Ce cours bisannuel est dispensé en 2011-2012, 2013-2014, ...

Teacher(s) Roland Hubert ;
Language German
of the course
Online resources




Main themes

In-depth analysis of a literary theme or motive in German literature: identity quest, images of women, migration literature, etc. In-depth reading of the primary literature and selective reading of theoretical texts concerning the studied theme.


The aim of the course is to acquire a deeper insight into a literary theme or motive in German speaking literatures. The students will analyse the historical and/or socio-cultural context of the defined subject. The presence of this theme in other European literatures and other artistic disciplines will also be considered. This approach is a continuation of the courses on history of literature and civilisation of the bachelor programme, and makes use of previously acquired insights into literary theory. It aims to increase the students' literary knowledge and to develop a critical attitude towards the interpretation of literary texts in their adequate context. This approach also aims to teach the students how to write a critical essay in the studied field.

Evaluation methods


Teaching methods



The course will concentrate on the thematic and literary analysis of a representative corpus of contemporary novels (end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century) written by German-speaking women.

After sketching the long underestimated, neglected position of women-writers and novelists within the framework of German literary historiography, we shall question their progressively more important presence in German literature since the end of the 1940ies and the creation of two German states at the time of the Cold War.

But our main purpose will be the (possibly) specific view of women writers belonging to different generations on society items in the so-called 'Berlin Republic'. We will tackle in this way the process of globalisation, the intensification of communication, intercultural questions, etc. A reading list will be communicated before the beginning of the course. A selection of works by Doris Dörrie, Renan Demirkan, Julia Franck, Judith Hermann, Herta Müller, Emine Sevi Özdamar, Christa Wolf ou Juli Zeh will be established.



Other information

Prerequisites: an introductory knowledge of German literature and a good proficiency in German (advanced level, B2 + in terms of the Common European reference framework). Evaluation : Active participation in the course or seminar (oral presentation, discussions, written essay) is taken into account. Final evaluation based on a written exam (or possibly a personal essay) and oral exam, starting from a personal reading of the texts. Course supervision: Preparation of the analysis in small groups with the teacher.

Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Modern Languages and Literatures : General
> Master [120] in Modern Languages and Literatures : German, Dutch and English
> Certificat universitaire en littérature
Faculty or entity
in charge

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