French: scientific communication upper intermediate [ LFRAN1405 ]
3.0 crédits ECTS
30.0 h
Teacher(s) |
Rassart Emmanuelle ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Main themes |
The different subjects covered during the course are varied (human sciences, sciences, etc') and are adapted to the students' field of specialization. The IMMRID plan (Introduction, Material, Method, Results, Interpretation and Discussion) is used to the various subjects that have been chosen with the participants.
Aims |
The entity responsible for the course description defines the skills and the knowledge which the student must have acquired at the end of the activity of training (maximum 10 lines).
At the end of this course, the students are supposed to be able to:
- give a clear, prepared presentation dealing with scientific issues;
- take a series of follow up questions, give feedback on and follow up statements and inferences and so help the development of the discussion;
- scan quickly through long and complex texts, locating relevant details. Synthesise information and arguments from a number of scientific sources;
- understand the main ideas of propositionally and linguistically complex speech on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical and scientific discussions in his/her field of specialization;
- read with a large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and
purposes, and using appropriate reference sources selectively;
- write various types of scientific texts. Develop an argument with appropriate highlighting of significant points, and relevant supporting detail.
Content |
In this course, students are invited to invest the French language in the various situations students, teacher-researcher and/or PhD students encounter in their academic life (receptive and productive situations). The course is conceived on the one hand as a seminar (discovery and collective construction of knowledge) and as a more classical language course (linguistic and technical information given by the teacher). Critical analysis and it expression in French are developed. The teacher is both expert and coach.
Types of activities: introduce, conclude and write a scientific paper, give an oral presentation on complex topics. The intercultural dimension is approached (the characteristics of scientific French, Spanish and English). Finally, graphic treatment of oral and written texts are studied and put into practice. The study of scientific language as well as systematic drills give students a wide degree of autonomy (level B2). During the term, the group attend a public lecture that is followed by a debate.
Other information |
Prerequisites ( Ideally in terms of skills):
To master intermediate skills (level B1) as described in the common European Framework of reference of the Council of Europe during an oral placement test.
During the semester (50%):
Several written productions that were written in class and corrected at home after formative evaluation.
An oral presentation of graphics, figures'
The examination programme (50%):
Oral exam: an oral presentation at the end of the term
Written exam: writing a scientific paper, adopting the techniques covered in the course
Course material : syllabus, video documents, internet documents, scientific books, newspaper articles
Training staff:
Small group
The teacher is available during his reception time and can be contacted by email.
This course corresponds to B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference
Equivalent courses given in the other UCL curricula: -
Cycle et année d'étude |
> Master [120] in Agricultural Bioengineering
Faculty or entity in charge |
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