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French - Written production (interm. level) [ LFRAN1304 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Masuy Françoise ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes Personal letters, article of newspaper, comment of a photograph, poem, advertisement, leaflet, rules of a game.
Aims The entity responsible for the course description defines the skills and the knowledge which the student must have acquired at the end of the activity of training (maximum 10 lines). In Written production in French (B1), students develop their textual, pragmatic and linguistic skills so that they can produce various texts on a range of familiar subjects such as writing accounts of experiences, describing feelings and reactions, writing the description of an event and narrating a story.
Content Each 2 hour-course is divided in two parts: a phase of discovery in which students listen, read or watch a document they discuss in small groups. The second part of the course focuses on writing a production that is related to the situation of communication seen previously. Students adopt the technique of rewriting, which means that they have a text of reference that helps them to make their own production. All the texts produced in class can be corrected and improved at home with the help of grid before they hand out their final copy the following week. All the students are invited to complete a 'roadmap' called 'happy mistakes' ( vive mes gaffes!) on which they indicate all the corrections they've made on their copies. The teacher alternates technical and creative sessions with varied material.The different types of texts are related to acts of speech (to tell, to describe, to explain, to advise, to inform, to convince) and go from easy to the more complex productions.
Other information To master lower intermediate skills (level A2) as described in the common European Framework of reference of the Council of Europe by an oral placement test. Assessment: During the semester: The several written productions(+corrected version) completed during the semester count for the final evaluation (40%) The list of mistakes and specific structures (happy mistakes file) counts for the final evaluation (10%). The final exam includes questions on textual competences as well as a written production (50%). Course material : syllabus References: J. Bady et allii. Conjugaison. 350 exercices. 1000 verbes à conjuguer, Hachette français langue étrangère D. Abry et M.-L. Chalaron. La grammaire des premiers temps. Volume 1. Presses universitaires de Grenoble M. Grégoire. Grammaire progressive du français. Niveau intemédiairet, CLE International http://www.tv5.org/apprendre.tv Training staff: A group of about 20 students The teacher is available during his reception time and can be contacted by email. Guidance in the self-learning center (C.A.A.) and in the multi-media room Other: This course corresponds to B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference in spoken production.
Cycle et année
> Preparotory year for Master in Multilingual Communication
Faculty or entity
in charge

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