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Motivation et apprentissage en formation d'adultes [ LFOPM2051 ]

4.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h  

Teacher(s) Bourgeois Etienne ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes Theoretical trends and research on engagement in training in the course are examined from the perspective of the theoretical models of intelligibility they offer, the epistemological premises which underpin them and the research paradigms which support them. The implications of such theories on training practices are also covered. Themes : motivational dynamics from a socio-cognitive perspective, the role of goals, perceived value of the task, causal attributions, emotions, feelings of self-determination and competence, and self-image in engagement in training ; relationships between meaning and engagement, life progress and identity dynamics ; between participation in groups based on practice, identity and motivation; between the meaning of engagement and learning in its cognitive, psycho-social and socio-historical dimensions. Different contexts for training will be covered, including literacy.
Aims - To fully grasp and be able to combine different theoretical and empirical approaches dealing with socio-cognitive and motivational processes which underpin the engagement of adults in training and learning. - To develop a basic knowledge of the academic literature (in French and English) on the subject. - To be able to use one or more of these methods appropriately to analyse a case.
Content Presentation and discussion of research and theories relating to factors involving learning for adults in training. Emphasis is on the affective and cognitive factors at the psychosocial level (social interactions, social categorization, social identity, social support etc.) and the intra-individual level (feeling of competence, self- image and identity dynamics, personal goals, feeling of self-determination, future perspective future, emotions etc.). Presentations, case studies, group discussions. This course is an extension of the courses on the psychology of learning and social psychology and provides some of the elements of FOPM 2052 Analysis of training methods in the fields of training, jobs and literacy.
Other information Methods The teaching methods mainly consist of reading time (assignments) and case studies examined in class from an empirical perspective. Assessment Final assessment is on an individual analysis of a case study.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Education (shift schedule)
> Advanced Master in Pedagogy in Higher Education
Faculty or entity
in charge

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