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Inter-disciplinary seminar on development policy : Africa [ LDVLP2627 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Schoumaker Bruno ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes Since the 80's, the policy of structural adjustment has transformed the relation between states and societies. New actors and strategies emerged in the midst of a general crisis. The theme of governance dominated the cul-tural and political discourse, often imposed by external actors. The states are forced to propose a new institu-tional order facilitating local initiatives of development. The question is whether this integrates into local practices (rural or urban) or is seen as another form of exogeneous model of development.
Aims The aim of the seminar is to acquaint the students with issues related to the problematic of development in Af-rica. It is expected that the students acquire the methodological ability to research and analyze by himself.
Other information At least one of the two courses DVLP 2625 or DVLP 2626 Possible link between the seminar work and the field work
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Population and Development Studies
Faculty or entity
in charge

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