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Family Law Practices [ LDROP2073 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Renchon Jean-Louis ; Claeys Bouuaert Philippe ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes The aims of the course define both its contents and the teaching methods which could be implemented. Every year, the teacher or the team of teachers responsible for the course will determine the practices in family law who would deserve to be studied and analyzed. These practices can be of very different type. For instance, could be studied : - the practices in the field of medically assisted procreations - the activity of family planning centers - notarial practice regarding marriage contracts and legal cohabitation contracts - practices of adoption organizations and central authorities - the activity of meeting places - practices within youth tribunals and courts - negotiation and conciliation practices of lawyers specialized in family matters The students will contribute as much as the teachers to describe the practices which will have been retained and to proceed to their analysis, on the basis of all available material which could be collected. To benefit from the contribution of the actors themselves, the course will be organized in several seminars to which experts would be expressly associated, within the framework of an activity which would constitute for them an activity of continuing education valuable in their respective professional fields. The writings which will be produced within the framework of the teaching could thus constitute a collective work of teachers, students and experts.
Aims This course tends to privilege a concrete approach of various social and legal practices relating to the regulation of family relations. The teaching will start from what actually do on the ground the different actors intervening in the field of private and family life to understand and to analyze their respective practices and to evaluate their pertinence and effectivity regarding theirs social or human aims and their conformity to the applicable legal norms. This course constitutes a part of a coherent option which is composed of three courses. The teachers of those three courses form a team and act in concert as well on the contents as on the methods of each course to ensure the complementarity. The teaching is based on the participation of the students (learning through projects or problems, commentaries of jurisprudential decisions and doctrinal analysis, debates with guests, field studies) allowing them to develop their own critical, prospective and inventive perspective. The student is encouraged to take part in the course and to imply himself in learning which has both an individual and collective dimension. From this point of view, the teachers of the various options act in concert within Faculty about the teaching devices implemented.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in Law (shift schedule)
> Master [120] in Law
Faculty or entity
in charge

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