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International Business Agreements [ LDROP2041 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Philippe Denis ;
Language English
of the course
Main themes The first part of the course will deal with main international contracts like the international sales, including the incoterms, the joint venture contracts, international distribution and the contract of transfer of technology. The second part will deal with the standard clauses of international contracts, more particularly the letters of intent, the hardship and force majeure clause and the best efforts clauses. The third part of the course will analyze the guarantees in international trade, more specifically the documentary credit, the comfort letter and the guarantee at first demand. The course will also deal with energy law. The structure of the energy market will be analyzed; in second place the international regulation related to energy and thirdly the specific clause in energy contract. The course will specifically deal with the common law terminology in continental.
Aims This course aims to train the students to exercise functions in the field of the law of international trade relations within enterprises, the bar and international institutions. The course aims to master tools of international trade, in particular in the field of contracts and energy. On theoretical field, it will allow the student to understand the articulation between the rules applicable to the operators of international trade who must respect the legislation of the state where they are established as of the State of their counterpart, taking into consideration that most of the rules are enacted in interstate treatys. More specifically, the student at the end of the course, must be able to - master the regulation of most of the operations of international trade, in particular in the field of contracts which at least, a private operator; - apply the rules analyzed to concrete situations - understand the micro- and macroeconomical stakes of the rules presented and their articulation; - assess on critical manner, the legal system in force The course is based on participatory teaching methods (learning through projects or problems, review of the relevant case-law and doctrine, debates with guest speakers, field studies ...) which allow the students to develop independently a critical, forward-looking and inventive look on public international law. Students are encouraged to participate and to get involved in learning, which has both an individual and a collective dimension.
Cycle et année
> Advanced Master in Tax Law
> Master [120] in Law
> Advanced Master in European Law
> Advanced Master in International Law
> Master [120] in Law (shift schedule)
Faculty or entity
in charge

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